Intel flash programming tool
Intel flash programming tool

Or, you can give me images from all the stickers on your motherboard and we can look it up and see if it's the model used in your correct system or not. This is lazy or incompetent, probably both, but many places do that because it's the easy way out - but flashing in the wildly different model there is no excuse for and gives them no room to try and tell you that you can't fix it or you will break it Unless they did switch out the motherboard on you. If you want to laugh at them, ask them how they didn't kill the board then by programming in the incorrect BIOS for your model? And additionally, why they programmed in the partial BIOS update from the web, instead of building a full proper BIOS region with all NVRAM volumes. Unless, it's like I said, and they switched out motherboards on you and didn't say they did that, this would explain their answer so you may want to press for exact details of why they say that or what they actually did to your system. (06-14-2019, 11:48 AM)Lost_N_BIOS Wrote: They are incompetent, we've established that much already.

Intel flash programming tool